Abstract: The three-dimensional (3D) displays needed the axes and angle information for dimensional view which is engaged in the predictable 2D substance. This work presents a novel methodology that involuntarily converts 2D images into 3D which is easily available for users with the help of our mM desktop application. Here we are working on axonometric projection and focusing on axis of any object or image, in this methodology we are going to merge three different axonometric projections and showing this as a new technique in Tri-metric projection. Projection applies in 2D records which we have to convert in 3D. This technique is helpful in 2d to 3D conversion with a better view and it takes less time for conversion since researchers are using three different projection techniques together for an exceptional result.

Keywords: Predictable 2D substance, focusing on axis of any object or image, 2D records which we have to convert in 3D help of our mM desktop application